Artwork: Etel Adnan

Good morning beautiful people,

I am personally delighted that it’s already Friday and I hope that you are well and healthy, wherever you are in the world.

Today I will keep it short and sweet, just wanting to share what I have witnessed in our daily zoom Loving Kindness Meditations:

When you send others wishes to be well, it liberates your own heart.

So why do we keep our focus on ourselves mainly? Why isn’t wishing well for others mandatory for our own well being?

I am going to invite you to take a deep inhale, feeling your feet on the ground and simply planting a seed within.

As you breath out, how about feeling the air moving through your chest and heart area, and taking a pause.

Welcoming just one person in your consciousness, and wishing that person well with the following words:

May you be happy
May you be healthy
May you be free from suffering
May you be mindful and accepting of what is

The idea is simply to repeat those sentences, at least five times in a row, keeping that one person in your consciousness, and taking your time.

When you feel ready, how about switching the “you” for “they” and adding more people in your wishes, repeating the sentences again calmly and at least five times in a row.

May they be happy
May they be healthy
May they be free from suffering
May they be mindful and accepting of what is

This period has been a lot about our own survival, yet on any given day, we all know someone who needs wishes of well being.

Let’s remember others too, however we can, even if its just with wishes.

Everything is energy and everything is interconnected, so the well being of one, will naturally ripple on to our own well being.

On this note, I would like to wish you a delicious day, and please dont hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or simply send me your comments.

We are still meeting daily at 930am Brussels time on Zoom password 739019.

Until then,

With Love and Deep Respect,


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